What is Ji Xinghe doing?

People don’t have more thoughts in their minds to surprise them than the picture has already appeared.
That in the face of Ji Xinghe sliding shovel earl imperial mecha unexpectedly inexplicably pranced up.
In order to ensure the prancing speed, it lost its balance and fell straight into the earth. The body also hindered the pursuit of the other two imperial mecha
He has got up again, and Ji Xinghe is running again. His speed is not attenuated compared with before, but the pursuit of three imperial mecha behind him needs to be accelerated again.
They and Ji Xinghe are farther away than before, and the fallen mecha have not been able to get up and pursue until now.
This …
The original rushed to the federal mecha empire mecha also saw this scene, they heard more orders from the earl.
Fifty-seven mecha immediately split up seventeen, seven of them rushed to the heart, and ten of them rushed to Ji Xinghe.
Federal mecha pressure immediately reduced by one hundred dozen forty, although they don’t know anything, but they firmly believe that they are bound to win.
Imperial mecha choice is really strange.
Hundreds of marines carry all kinds of weapons, but sturm und drang can attract seven imperial mecha.
Being alone is equivalent to running for your life with your bare hands. Ji Xinghe has faced the pursuit of three earl-level imperial mechs and attracted ten imperial mechs.
This is a good thing, but people don’t understand
There have been five bases ready to land, and the sound of Ji Xinghe sounded from the space battleship command center of Alnilam.
He can still talk?
"Tu Yuan"
he said
"You once didn’t believe that I had a chance."
Chapter 32 Listen to your mother
Finally, I am sure that I can live, and I am arrogant and call Tu Yuan’s name, and the tone is threatening. It is not like a 66-year-old man.
But everyone can understand Ji Xinghe’s mood at this time and be sure that Ji Xinghe has the strength to say this sentence.
If they can force an earl-level imperial mecha to jump with a sliding shovel, they will be more unruly than Ji Xinghe.
"Can crush the unbridled and unruly spirit of Lingxiao"
The worse Andy has a low tone: "I am old, Ji Xinghe is not old."
Isn’t Ji Xinghe one year older than you?
Next to the staff and others didn’t say what they were conscious of because they all knew what Andy said.
Did Tu Yuan not believe in Ji Xinghe?
Is Andy didn’t believe Ji Xinghe stepped in TuYuan command.
If we follow Tu Yuan’s decision, all the changes that make Ji Xinghe angry will not happen, even if Andy doesn’t agree to make nuclear weapons according to Tu Yuan’s ideas at that time, including Alnilam and Xinyue Fox, space battleship’s federal fire output platform will also strike a blow to the imperial mecha around Champion Hou.
In this process, the fact that Ji Xinghe won’t win the championship will be known to them.
The situation may be similar to what it is now, but Ji Rong Xinyue can’t drive the moon and the moon, and there will be no unbelief in Ji Xinghe Tuyuan, the fifth base.
Tu Yuan didn’t tell Ji Xinghe that Andy had resisted Ji Xinghe, and anger hadn’t broken out yet.
From a factual point of view, the order to kill Ji Xinghe is indeed what Tu Yuan himself said, and Andy didn’t have it.
Ji Xinghe did not question Andy’s strength and strength. Tu Yuan, the lieutenant general and the only five-star general in the Federation, has a much larger gap than Ji Xinghe and Tu Yuan.
But Andy said two words and characterized the pot as black and took it over.
These words will eventually reach Ji Xinghe’s ear, and things will not affect Ji Xinghe for the time being, nor will it affect the war situation in the No.5 base theater.
The chief commander is still Tu Yuan.
The actual commander of the battlefield of Ji Xinghe is himself.
Run for your life, run for your life, and get a word from Ji Xinghe. No one disputes the command and then orders.
"The target of the Mecha Corps was revised to annihilate 40 imperial mechs. The target won."
"The Marine Corps carries out the tactics of luring the enemy to ensure its own safety and hold off the support of the seven imperial mecha and other standby armor corps."
"For the last time, I’ll say that I don’t care about me."
No one could have thought that Ji Xinghe was even more public and private than when he executed Tu Yuan’s two orders.
In the face of thirteen imperial mecha pursuit without armor, he also worried about the ordinary federal soldiers ordinary federal mecha life.
So Ji Xinghe can’t be called the old father of 300,000 federal mecha?
If Tu Yuanda gets the order to kill him?
Alnilam space battleship, who has landed at No.5 base, has a little doubt in Tu Yuan’s heart.
Was his previous cognitive judgment on Ji Xinghe really correct?
Ji Xinghe is just like Ji Chenxing, just like those soldiers who are willing to sacrifice the federal mecha and the soldiers who have already sacrificed the federal soldiers.
He was willing to sacrifice for the Union.
Even if this sacrifice will make his granddaughter a real orphan.
No, it’s not.
Ji Xinghe’s love for his granddaughter is absolutely beyond his love for the Federation and even beyond his love for mankind.
If you press a button, your only relative will die. If you don’t press it, mankind will perish.
Tu Yuanjian believes that he and Andy, Li Han, Jackson, Qin Tong … Even many people such as Kantevez and Tangqiao will not hesitate to press it.
But Ji Xinghe will definitely hesitate.
Tu Yuan’s mind suddenly flashed a flash of thunder, which Ji Xinghe had just said to him.
And Ji Xinghe’s irrational choices today, such as the shovel that shocked the world.
Just like Ji Xinghe knew that the empire didn’t want to kill him and wanted to capture him.
Tu Yuan couldn’t understand the reason at the moment, but he could understand another thing.
Assuming that Ji Xinghe knew that the empire would not kill him, he didn’t tell the reason for this situation, but gave people a feeling that he was willing to sacrifice himself and let more people live.

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