南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 喝茶VX Dead people, injured people, their families … Jianghu people are also people. All these people are responsible for him, and they have not escaped. Maybe they should pay the price after doing something wrong. What’s more important is that he feels that if he wants to get out of the shadow of this matter, he must win once.

Dead people, injured people, their families … Jianghu people are also people. All these people are responsible for him, and they have not escaped. Maybe they should pay the price after doing something wrong. What’s more important is that he feels that if he wants to get out of the shadow of this matter, he must win once.

Since Xu Xuan is determined to be a businessman rather than a scholar … Then his proud things will be defeated. At this time, I am thinking about these Li Yi without realizing that I have deliberately avoided Xu Xuan’s literary talents.
The ink merchant hsu family … Ah!
There is a moment of official difference. Recently, his face has regained respect for a few moments, and he is smiling.
"Li Gonghao"
"Ha ha, ha ha"
Alas, it will take another month to see the results.
Although Huang Yu still hasn’t made a final decision, Xu Xuan seems to have been able to determine that the palm-holder needs strength to support these three rooms after all, which has proved to be supported by the recent combination boxing and Shenyang.
Speaking of this, it is also a coincidence that the original Xu Xuan didn’t expect that there was also a marriage in the big room. The thing is that it didn’t take long for him to do it himself from entering Shenyang to the other party agreeing to this marriage, but the atmosphere was not very good, but these Xu Xuan naturally didn’t care.
It seems that Shen Jiashen is also aware of some transcendental actions of the daughter named Shen Jiayi. Although there are homosexuals in this era, it is more of a man’s place, such as raising a child molester, and the woman’s family is limited after all
For the Shenyang family, there is no qualitative difference between marrying the Fang family and the Huang family. If you want to marry Shen Jiayi, it will become a splash in the water, which will avoid the risk of being smeared. In addition, it is also the idea that "she may be better after marriage."
In addition to the Huang family, Xu Xuan has been waiting for other things to happen recently, and there will definitely be no end to it. There must be something brewing in the quiet recently, and maybe it will break out at some moment. Of course, he has no way to inquire about these, so he can keep the necessary vigilance.
In this way, after a few days, the situation really appeared.
Because when the problem was discovered, it was obvious that the behind-the-scenes driver was brewing, and it was probably going to be pushed forward for a few days. When the house was bombed that night, Xu Xuan also knew that the other party would not give up easily, and the revenge would probably come later. It seems that there is still a mind to intervene in the Huang family. Actually, it is not necessarily that he wants to find something to do to relieve his anxiety. He has been waiting for this for several days, but he is relieved to know the news.
Things from hsu family.
The ink industry was Xu Xuan’s first intervention in this era, but he didn’t help the Xu family to stabilize the ink industry in Huizhou because of his ambition. After a long time, he didn’t even pay attention to it.
Meet Xu Anqi these days implicitly said that lady white snake has been ill news girl there is naturally greatly relieved, followed by chatting.
"How’s business recently?"
"Well, it’s ok," Xu Anqi said with a little smile. Then he thought of something and hesitated. "Yes, there are some small waves …"
"Oh?" Xu preached an eyebrow and was curious.
"It’s just small things. My body can handle it."
Xu Anqi, dressed in a blue floral skirt, sat in the courtyard pavilion and watched a chat with Xu Xuan, which also fully benefited this moment of leisure.
"There are always small problems, but sometimes we should pay attention to them … If we are not careful, these small places may end up with serious consequences."
There is a small stone table with chess in the pavilion. Xu Xuanbian said that he took the chess and knocked on his mouth. Xu Anqi naturally understood these words.
"Well," Xu Anqi nodded and then put the account in his hand and frowned slightly. "Cao Cao has been making a lot of noise recently."
Xu Xuan took a "pawn" and was ready to knock aside. The "general" heard a little pause in his hand and then put it down, frowned and looked at the girl doubtfully.
Now that the words have been said, there is nothing to hide.
"Recently, Cao Cao contacted a group of people who probably wanted to build the ink industry alliance without thinking about it …" The woman said and looked down at her hands. "But this time, it is probably going on for a while and will soon recognize the reality after seeing no effect."
Xu Xuanwen quietly wanted to think and then smiled strangely.
"Cao Jia?"
"About the day before yesterday."
"What a coincidence …"
"hmm? What did you say? "
"Nothing … Ah"
Doing business in this era may also require a certain talent, but it is always simple, and it is definitely not as complicated as the latter. Even if there is a conspiracy in this process, it is simple and clear at a glance.
Some ink merchants unite to go out independently from the Xu family alliance and take the lead in doing these things, which is actually the top of the original Huizhou government ink industry.
This seems normal, too. Last autumn, after Xu Xuan helped solve the crisis in the Xu family, he also took this opportunity to set an example for others. At that time, some shopkeepers in the Xu family were killed outside, and everyone was sad, but Cao Jia was ridiculed without looking, so he just hit the gun and became the poor monkey.
It was also after half a year that the whole Cao family was completely excluded from the ink industry of Huizhou government. Although it survived with some original accumulation, the situation was also getting worse.
The pattern of ink industry has changed slowly because of some transcendental production and ideas, which is like sailing against the current. Cao Jia has to break through at this time after eating a day.
Before this, Cao Cao naturally didn’t send someone to apologize or spend a lot of money to buy the ink from the major ink merchants. These actions didn’t work. On the one hand, it was because the Xu family firmly grasped the ink through a series of measures, and the joint-stock concept was also built, and there were probably embryonic interests tied up. No ink merchants were willing to hand over the hard-won new ink formula to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was busy for a while without any gains.
The reason why the apology didn’t work is also very simple. At that time, the main owner Cao Zheng didn’t come in person to see the sincerity. "Since you want to be a big brother, then do it … Amitabha." At that time, Xu Xuan was puzzled by this strange evaluation of Xu Anqi, but Cao Jia was completely excluded from the Xu family camp from now on. If you don’t find another way out, it will be a matter of time for your family to decline.
At this time, it is also forced to fight back to a dead end, but on the other hand, if everyone can know that the general trend of the eye has been deepened, the whole alliance here is becoming more and more perfect … What the Cao family has to face is not just a Xu family, but more than half of the Huizhou ink industry has joined forces.
So where did the courage come from?
Xu Xuan smiled meaningfully and breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Cao Cao’s eyes are strict and polite knives … So although there is no evidence, many times it is close to verifying his ideas by intuition, depending on Cao Cao’s follow-up actions.
Although Xu Anqi was talking at this time, it didn’t seem that she would be at ease. At this time last year, she was still helpless because of her family’s decline. At this time, the girl has grown into a strong woman, and her gestures are quite refreshing and capable.
The more deeply she controls this family, the more confident she is about her career and her business ability.
"There will be some problems …" Xu Xuan wanted to think, or take some words to order her.
"It’s not a big problem." Unexpectedly, girls no longer pay as much attention to Xu Xuan’s words as in the past. At this time, they first came up with their own ideas
Xu Xuanwen paused and then looked at her to make sure that the girl had her own ideas and confidence.
Show … is mature.
He sighed with some regrets that Xu Anqi didn’t notice his slight actions. He simply said, "My body has also considered some countermeasures. It’s already invincible after the general trend. However, Cao Cao’s alarm is a trouble after all. It’s not very strong to squeeze Cao Cao’s family and Cao Jia’s close ink merchant Xu Jia. It’s really my body’s deliberate effort."
She said that the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and then she said, "In the past, when the Hsu family was relatively strong, the Cao family avoided the edge and protected a certain strength. If the millipede died but did not freeze, it would be a little too energetic to pursue it, so it is time to leave a sigh of relief for them. At this time, if they want to jump out and expose the last card, the Hsu family can immediately exert their strength to squeeze them out." She said that the sweet smile here is completely blooming. "My body is also waiting."
This is the most pertinent thing to do. At this time, it is more certain that the girl grows up. Xu Xuan’s impression is that she is not bad even in her previous life. There were several female executives in her own hands, and her temperament was somewhat similar.
If her usual practice is enough to solve the problem, it may have a deeper meaning behind Cao Cao’s uproar at this time, then things will not be so simple
After Xu Anqi laughed, he noticed that Xu Xuan was silent and didn’t speak. He hesitated and asked, "Is there anything wrong with it?" I asked carefully, but I didn’t seem to see any big holes in my heart.
"Oh, I didn’t …" Xu Xuan thought about it. "It’s impossible to find fault from theory … it may be a little complicated." He finished here and glanced at Xu Anqi. "There may be his reasons behind Cao Cao’s choice of this time to start work. Of course, these can’t blame you. It’s my problem …"

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