南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 桑拿会所 The imperial armor (change) operation limit once again came to the hands of Xingyue, but it did not increase significantly when fighting.

The imperial armor (change) operation limit once again came to the hands of Xingyue, but it did not increase significantly when fighting.

Because Ji Xinghe’ Qi Yu Jia’ has become more and more skilled, even if there are some differences in the operating mechanism, it is not a problem to play this mecha’s combat power
When Emperor Jia (Gai) killed all sides in the battlefield, Ji Xinghe was recovering his vitality.
About six hours is the limit at which he can exercise "Qi Yu Jia" at this stage. After this limit, his body gas is almost exhausted.
High-energy nutrients and artificial radiation sources helped him recover after half an hour, and it was higher than before.
After the baptism of the fourth nuclear explosion, he entered the sixth stage and continued to rise, but the rising speed was not as fast as before, so it was difficult to achieve a breakthrough in a short time simply by relying on nuclear radiation for cultivation.
Therefore, instead of trying to endure the baptism of the fifth nuclear explosion, he chose to constantly exhaust his body gas and then continue to recover.
Similar to the principle of breaking and then standing.
It’s just like human physical exercise all the year round will always rise to a limit.
Combined with the latest research results of the federal scientific research institute, Ji Xinghe knows that this is his genetic pressure is constantly evolving and the middle bond information is constantly strengthening.
The research results show that some people started the awakening experiment after their lives were exchanged for the success of the Federal Republic of Li Yuanba, but so far no third person has succeeded.
Those people can’t cherish the fruits of their lives at the expense of Ji Xinghe.
The greatest harm that nuclear radiation brings to the human body is not to visualize a disease, but to directly destroy human genes.
The birth, development, self-healing ability and hematopoiesis ability of human fathers and mothers all come from the phase information contained in genes, and those information will be damaged when the genes are destroyed.
Simply put, most cells that make up the human body have a life span, for example, skin cells have a life span of four weeks, and all human skin cells are constantly producing and dying.
When the information in the gene is damaged, the human body will produce new skin cells, and the result is that all skin parts disappear as if they were skinned.
Without skin protection, in this era of technology, human beings can still be born, but they need genes intact to produce new cells, far more than skin cells.
And red blood cells and bone cells in the blood, and so on …
A person’s genes are damaged by nuclear radiation, which means that this person will’ dissolve’ bit by bit.
Awakening is to prevent the collapse of genes when they are damaged by nuclear radiation, so that genes can be recombined and genes that can adapt to nuclear radiation can be born.
This new gene can produce new cells in the process of human metabolism, which can radiate the power of food production gas.
This is why Qianji Xinghe’s gas-recognizing power hides in cells.
However, the current scientific research results prove that although qi lives in cells, the real key point lies in genes or that genes contain some information.
This part of information in Ji Xinghe and Li Yuanba’s gene of accepting Ji Xinghe’s gift is obviously different, but the specific method is still in a long study.
However, Li Zhengfan’s intelligence theory has been confirmed to be feasible.
When more and more people receive gifts, the frequency of human genes has changed, and the future world will be born. Humans are born with Qi power.
What Ji Xinghe has to do now is to constantly consume and restore the spiritual will in the process of body qi to tell him that I am the ninth stage
If the information of gas bond in his genes makes Ji Xinghe the ninth stage, then Ji Xinghe can become the real ninth stage.
Of course, this forced breakthrough is far more difficult than his awakening after being baptized by a nuclear explosion.
The difficulty of awakening is far greater than that of those cancer patients who can live for a long time because of spiritual will.
It has long been recognized that spiritual will can affect the body.
Some people can live for decades for the same cancer, while others can last for several years. It is important to have different mental will.
An experimental expert in the research group who discussed stopping awakening made a metaphor about cancer.
"The difficulty of self-awakening to success is equivalent to the fact that patients with advanced cancer have not received treatment, and their own spiritual will has directly eradicated all cancer cells. It is not this difficulty. It takes ten times to get ten cancers, ten times to enter the advanced stage, and ten times to be cured without treatment.
Stop it, we don’t have so many people to sacrifice. It’s really true that we will study again and experiment again when we have really valuable results. "
Ji Xinghe also told himself that he still had a lot when he thought of the expert talking.
Somatic genes didn’t recognize that he forced information and didn’t promote him directly to the ninth stage.
But at least from the sixth section to the ninth section.
"Go home, Moon and Moon."
Once again, after clearing the battlefield, all imperial mecha Ji Xinghe drove the Imperial Armor (changed) back to the rear position.
Once again, the body qi has been restored, and the gift is still the owner of medical personnel.
But after Li Yuanba’s success, Ji Xinghe can slow down and improve some quality.
His present gift is the second stage.
The second stage means that medical staff can directly treat the wounded and at the same time can better cooperate with the researchers of the scientific research team.
In the process of giving gifts, Ji Xinghe thought of being put back to Adakang by him.
After Adakang has mastered the gift ability, what period of environmental gift will he give to the orangutans of the anti-Xinghe Mecha Corps?
Imperial star
Aidakang succeeded in getting a gift from Emperor Wu III, and his ability and self-esteem also rose greatly.
According to the division of Ji Xinghe, it has successfully jumped to the seventh stage and has the same ability to absorb nuclear radiation to practice as Ji Xinghe.
"Want revenge?"
"I’ll give you a chance to kill Ji Xinghe if he isn’t dead when you finish."
"A hundred thousand times?"
Even if the strength has risen and it can absorb nuclear radiation, this is still a distant number.
It takes three years to give a hundred earl gifts a day.
"Do you have an opinion?" Emperor Wu III laughed. "Well, you really have the strength of opinion now."
"Dare not obey your will"
Adakang lowered his head and his eyes didn’t change at all.
Chapter 629 How dare the enemy fight back at General Ji?
The sweeping war in Jixing River and Shenshishan Theater finally met with resistance.

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南京 茶聚时光南京 茶聚时光

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