Wen Qing …

Gentle …
Gentle …
Yan is also worried about looking at her little daughter. You are a girl, so be careful in this respect.
"Oh, I haven’t left the word."
She seems heartless, but she looks at Wen Liang for fear of Wen Liang’s blather.
Gentle but also feel that there is something fishy in it. Find a sister and have a good talk.
Wen Qing’s guilty conscience matters, but Wen Liang is very calm and doesn’t say or look. He is quietly listening when he is a thorough person.
Mom’s operation was a success. For the brothers and sisters, the biggest thing in the Wen family has passed, which is better than anything else.
"What kind of boy is it?" Yanwen
She has no objection to her daughter’s falling in love.
"Well … high family conditions are good."
"It’s a spoiled god," Wen Liang said bluntly when she couldn’t listen to her nonsense.
"Hey, bitch, don’t talk nonsense."
"Isn’t it?" Wen Liang calmly questioned
Wen Qing was right.
"A boy like that?" Yan Xiang seems a little afraid of sound and a little bad.
"Mom, he is very kind to me," Wen Qing said.
"If it’s not good for you, it’s also temporary," Yan said immediately.
She has seen too much on-off and on-off in her life, and she still has some opinions about such people.
"It’s not what you think. Oh, it’s all gentle nonsense. He is a little new, but he is very loyal."
Sure enough, it is a little girl who will like the loyalty of boys.
How many girls were destroyed by the seemingly loyal boys?
"Oh, my God, little sister, you must be careful. If this boy is not careful, you must remember to use contraception."
"Second sister, what are you talking about?" Wen Qingyin is even more ashamed and doesn’t know what to do.
Yan also frowned, gentle and calm. Your second sister is right.
"Elder sister even you …"
"I once told your second sister that you should cherish yourself and don’t easily give yourself to a man who was later recognized as scum. I also said the same thing to you. If you can’t grasp what will happen in the future, don’t blame me. When my sister didn’t advise you, ask him if he would like to meet our family." After gentle thinking, she said.
"See your family?" Wen Qing’s face turned white.
"Belle, every girl is willing to see us, and he is a boy, and if it is really your public tutor, it should be very good and should not be rejected."
Wen Qing …
"Yes, and if he really loves you, he will definitely be willing to do anything, but what you can do is to see your family." Wen Yi also said.
Wen Qing …
"The most important thing is that if he loves you, he will keep your innocence." Wen Yi continued.
Wen Qing …
Later, Wen Liang couldn’t listen, and it was a bit embarrassing.
Wen Qing was about to cry, but Yan sighed that your elder sister was most worried about your emotional affairs. Well, I didn’t taste gentle, but you two girls were the most worrying.
Wenyi immediately knew what her mother was worried about: gentleness, silence and tenderness, but injustice, biting her lip.

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