南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 喝茶VX,夜网 When an evil spirit came out, the zombie rushed to the ground, and the result was directly shoveled by a forklift and then involved in the bottom of the wheel.

When an evil spirit came out, the zombie rushed to the ground, and the result was directly shoveled by a forklift and then involved in the bottom of the wheel.

Some vehicles in front of forklift trucks are also directly forced to push.
There is an off-road vehicle following closely behind the forklift, which seems unhurried.
They looked at two cars suddenly a language.
Zombies in the rest area also heard the sound of vehicles, and those zombies also rushed out to run in the past.
But the surrounding vehicles directly blocked the way of those zombies, so that they could be competent and look forward to getting close to the vehicles before going to France.
At this moment, a voice of the forklift truck shouted, "There seems to be a rest area in front of the boss to refuel and a supermarket. Should we lean over?"
There was an answer in the off-road vehicle behind, and then the forklift picked up speed and came towards the rest area
The forklift stopped more than ten meters away from the rest area, and then a man on the roof of the forklift looked at the zombies in the rest area and gave a magical laugh. "Quack quack a lot of zombies, but I like me coming."
The man on the roof is actually Qing Muyang.
Green MuYang roof smiled for a while and then jumped out with a machete and rushed to the rest area zombies.
Slope all see green MuYang rushed to the rest area suddenly got a fright.
"Wow, what does he want?"
"Isn’t he afraid that he dares to rush so many zombies into the rest area alone?"
"After that, he will be torn to pieces by zombies. Why is this person so impulsive?"
All the people on the slope can’t bear to see it. They think that Green Muyang will be torn to pieces by those zombies.
Lin Ying jumped out of the off-road vehicle from behind when Qing Muyang rushed to the zombie, and then followed Qing Muyang with two machetes and rushed to the rest area.
Wangcai and Xiaobai also jumped up and rushed to the rest area.
Lie prone to break through the crowd and see Lin Ying and two animals can’t help but exclaim.
"Don’t go over there. You can’t beat so many zombies."
"Yes, the man in front is going to die. Let him die. What are you doing here? Go back and get out of there."
A few people got up from the grass without considering exposure, and then waved their clothes in their hands to try to stop Lin Ying and them from approaching the rest area.
Lin Ying and others found them when they came out. Although they saw them waving their clothes, they frowned and continued to rush over.
Although Lin Ying got behind the bus, he and Qing Muyang rushed to the outside of the rest area at the same time.
The entrance to the rest area broke down sideways. There were a lot of zombies sticking out their claws behind the off-road vehicle to catch Lin Ying and them.
With a wave of his hand, the knife in Lin Ying’s hand, two zombie arms were cut off and flew out directly.
With a wave of his hand, Lin Ying’s double pole again, the two zombies fell flat.
Lin Ying shot two zombies in less than two seconds.
And green MuYang beside Lin Ying directly cut off a zombie half head faster than Lin Ying.
In this way, two people hacked to death the zombies behind those vehicles with one knife and one knife.
After cutting down more than ten zombies at the entrance, the two men jumped off the roof and killed them all the way to the supermarket.
All the zombies that get in the way can’t resist a human blow.
Chapter 197 Robbery?
Lin Ying and Qing Muyang keep jumping on the roof, and every time they jump, they will fall to a zombie.
While Wang Cai and Xiao Bai directly ignored the zombies outside and ran directly to the supermarket to attack those zombies. The zombies in the supermarket threatened them enough.
Soon the zombie Lin Ying in the rest area and Wang Cai and Xiao Bai’s attack department turned into bodies.
On the slope, everyone was shocked to see a dead body.
"Is this a person?"
"They actually killed all the zombies in the rest area."
"It’s amazing that they killed so many zombies with just two people."
"No, there is a big dog and a cat who participated in the battle. The dog is estimated to be as tall as me."
Slope and they gave a sigh.
At this time, a thin man said to Cao Ge, "Cao Ge, they robbed our business. What shall we do?" “
At this time, a short young man next to him had a gloomy face. "Cao Ge, they are just two people. Do you think we can? “
With that, the young man made a neck wipe.
Head this move directly startled the people around you, previously speaking thin like a cat with its tail stepped on and exclaimed in a low voice, "Ding Saner, are you killing him?" Don’t you dare hit them both. "
Called Ding Saner youth looked up and looked at the thin way "Wang Ge they are two people, so many of us might really have a chance to kill them.

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南京,这座历史文化名城,不仅有着丰富的历史底蕴,更有着独特的茶文化。茶,作为我国国饮,早已融入了南京人的日常生活。在这里,茶韵悠长,品味无穷。下面,就为大家推荐几款南京茶韵,带你领略这座城市的茶香魅力。 一、雨前龙井 雨前龙井,产于江苏太湖,是南京地区最具代表性的绿茶之一。其采摘于清明前,茶叶嫩绿,香气清幽。雨前龙井汤色碧绿,滋味鲜爽,叶底嫩绿,具有很高的观赏价值。泡一杯雨前龙井,细细品味,仿佛置身于山清水秀的江南水乡。 二、南京雨花茶 南京雨花茶,源于明代,为我国十大名茶之一。雨花茶外形紧结秀丽,色泽翠绿,香气清雅。其汤色清澈明亮,滋味鲜爽回甘。雨花茶的制作工艺独特,采摘时要求茶叶完整,经过杀青、揉捻、炒制等工序,使得茶叶具有独特的风味。在南京,雨花茶是茶艺表演中的必备佳品。 三、南京碧螺春 南京碧螺春,产于江苏太湖西山,是一种具有悠久历史的绿茶。其外形卷曲如螺,色泽嫩绿,香气清新。南京碧螺春汤色碧绿,滋味鲜爽,叶底嫩绿。泡一杯南京碧螺春,茶香四溢,令人陶醉。 四、南京兰香茶 南京兰香茶,源于明代,为我国十大名茶之一。兰香茶色泽翠绿,香气浓郁,汤色清澈。其制作工艺独特,采用“晒青、炒青、揉捻、烘焙”等方法,使得茶叶具有独特的香气。兰香茶口感甘醇,回味悠长,是南京茶韵中的佳品。 五、南京茉莉花茶 南京茉莉花茶,选用优质绿茶与茉莉花窨制而成。茶叶色泽翠绿,香气浓郁,汤色清澈。南京茉莉花茶具有提神醒脑、消暑解渴的功效。泡一杯南京茉莉花茶,花香四溢,令人心旷神怡。 在南京,品茗不仅仅是一种生活方式,更是一种文化的传承。走进南京的茶馆,品味一杯佳茗,感受这座城市的茶韵魅力。同时,我们也应该传承和发扬我国的茶文化,让更多的人了解和喜爱茶。