南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 喝茶VX Of course, the biggest benefit of Sun Haogui’s spirit at ordinary times is to assist cultivation.

Of course, the biggest benefit of Sun Haogui’s spirit at ordinary times is to assist cultivation.

At present, Sun Hao’s spiritual roots with three attributes of fire, earth and gold have been strengthened, and the spiritual roots with two attributes of wood and water are relatively weak. Sun Hao, however, has benefited from the ghost spirit to assist the cultivation effect, and has tilted the emphasis to the practice of wood and water, keeping his five attributes of truth go hand in hand.
Silently, Sun Hao dived into the dorsal vessels of the ancient wild silkworm, but Sun Hao did not destroy the dorsal vessels first, as Wei Bing said, but continued to maintain his ghost shape.
Feel forward quickly along the dorsal vascular.
The dorsal vascular flow of the ancient silkworm is also a blue liquid, which should be the ratio of yin to cold of life, essence and blood.
But these liquids can’t freeze Sun Hao and can’t stop Sun Hao from going forward.
Light shadow dorsal vessels quickly sneak forward.
For more than two hours, Sun Hao sensed that the front was suddenly enlightened.
Then he drifted into a huge similar cave.
At the bottom of the cave, there are different pipes leading to various defense lines. The blue liquid and tears flow into each channel. Sun Hao just went against the current, and the channel is one of the largest main roads.
And the top of the cave is as thick as a stone curtain * * * * Many thin pipes flow through * * * * and the blue liquid slowly flows into the cave and then flows to all parts of the body.
And let Sun Hao see at a glance that huge spar described by Wei Bing is hanging in the cave.
This spar color is a bit unexpected to Sun Hao.
Sun Haoyuan’s eternal wild silkworm spar is either white or blue.
But at present, there are half a foot in Fiona Fang’s huge spar, which is as dark as ink.
Like a huge black pearl hanging in a cave.
God knowledge quickly swept away from SPAR, but Sun Hao instantly understood that the eternal wild silkworm would be like this.
God’s knowledge reflects the essence of spar.
Sun Hao found a white crystal cluster in the dark gem, which was the size of a fist and shrank by a corner of the spar.
And one of the crystal clusters is less than half an inch, which is almost transparent. The silkworm baby is dying. Sun Hao’s knowledge swept the silkworm baby’s weak eyes and showed a very surprised expression.
Sun Hao also found a perfect black bug in the dark crystal cluster.
This bug is more than a foot long and as thick as a baby’s arms, four eyes and a pair of powerful front paws.
At this time, the worm put a Zhang Ruo on his forehead like a peach leaf sleeping in a dark crystal.
After sweeping the crystal, Sun Hao slightly judged Ma Bai’s eternal silkworm base state.
There is no doubt that the silkworm baby in the white crystal group is the one who has been physically and mentally attacked by evil spirits in ice silkworm for ages. Now, she is weakened and holds her ground to survive.
And the black worm in the dark crystal is undoubtedly the evil spirit worm.
I didn’t expect Wei Bingfu’s seal script to be so magical that it could directly make the evil spirits sleep, otherwise Sun Hao felt that he would not be too relaxed.
There is no doubt that the evil spirit worm has occupied an absolute advantage in the battle with ice silkworm in ancient times, and it has a huge dominant position. If it is not let it fall asleep, Sun Hao will probably be directly submerged in the frost and heavy water.
After finding out the situation, Sun Hao’s body cave gradually materialized.
Then a jade bottle appeared in the hands of a wrist vibration, and Sun Hao drove the soul-sucking technique.
Less than half an inch in the white crystal group, "ice silkworm" trembled violently, and her body was thin enough, but she hugged the crystal group and tried to fight against soul-sucking.
It’s in a bad state. It’s dying against the evil spirits. Now it’s forced to absorb the soul by being driven by the powerful Sun Hao. Finally, it’s also unstable. ice silkworm is very unwilling to be absorbed by Sun Hao from the spar
A slight joy in the heart, Sun Hao’s knowledge moved, a method in his mouth, a pinch of eternal ice silkworm was completely transformed into a white soul bead and fell into Sun Hao’s hands
Then take a short rest in Sun Hao’s hands. Once again, he began to cast soul-sucking skills on evil spirits.
To Sun Hao’s surprise, the resistance of evil spirits to soul absorption is not very strong, almost nothing. Sun Hao has successfully pulled out the sleeping evil spirits.
However, Sun Hao found that although the evil spirits had been absorbed, he could never beat the evil spirits into soul beads on how to display his formula.
I didn’t think of a better way. Sun Hao had to put the evil spirit worm in a huge vessel and then threw it into the spirit room of Sumeru condensate tower and put it in the glittering word "town"
With Sun Hao tossing, even if he enters the vessel, the evil spirits are still asleep.
This makes Sun Hao sigh again that Brother Tian can’t underestimate this Wei Bing’s means.
What a magical peach leaf symbol
What Sun Hao didn’t know was that the evil spirit insect body was Hao Anyi’s refining insect specially designed to make trouble for the real female world, and the peach leaf body was a professional symbol for restraining evil spirit insects against the evil spirit insect surface.
Although after many years, the evil spirits are still firmly restrained, otherwise Sun Hao could not put away the evil spirits after the changes so simply.
Once again, I lamented that a Wei Bing peach leaf operator lamented that there was a profession specializing in monks. After that, Sun Hao took a long breath and began to look at the huge spar in front of him.
The evil spirit worm and the eternal ice silkworm spirit have been put away by Sun Hao. Strictly speaking, at this time, the eternal wild silkworm has become an exorcism, and it is harvested by Sun Hao.
It was when Sun Hao’s knowledge flooded into the dark spar that he had a strange feeling.
It seems that I have gained several pairs of eyes, many senses and many scenery in this instant.
The information made Sun Hao stunned, and then Sun Hao waved his head and quickly came to see the scenes in various parts of the ice and snow world.
And their own vision is probably the vision of those masked monks controlled by evil spirits.
That is to say, the dark SPAR is equivalent to the control hub of the evil spirits, and the evil spirits can remotely command the distant ice silkworm through SPAR.
The first time I met such a strange spar, Sun Hao felt a little curious in his heart, and his gods moved quickly, looking for something that might be for him in these visions.
First of all, Sun Hao found the position of the ancient wild silkworm, which was stiffly in the depths of an ice cave, and there were many ice silkworm activities around the underground.
Then Sun Hao was surprised to see a big battle scene.
There is a fierce battle in the old town of ice and snow
A few giant polar ice bears and a large number of ice silkworm-controlled masked monks are storming the old town of ice and snow, and they have already broken through the defensive array of the old town and a big war broke out.
Sun Hao’s vision just happened to see the extreme northern ice bear besieging the frost.
Huge bear paws waved hail from the sky and four polar ice bears rushed wildly.
A white flying sword in Frost’s hand turned into an ice cone and attacked four ice bears.
Behind the frost are some monks who have seen the power of the polar bear and are frightened.
Sun Hao thought in his heart whether I could solve the difficulties in the old town through this black crystal.
At this time, the frost in the perspective was slapped by the polar bear, spitting blood and flying backwards, and the other three polar bears rushed and bit away.
Moment Sun Hao thought of some past events, a malicious sigh in his mouth, "Elder Frost, you have a good trip …"
The frost in sight was defeated and torn apart by four polar ice bears.
In the sight of the old town monk a panic.
Corleone out of an idea "retreat …"
Then the sight came to the old town monk’s surprised and puzzled strange expressions.
Sun Haoyou sighed and then stood up and put the black spar in Sumeru condensate tower.
Chapter DiYiLiuEr force Wan Jun.
Sun Hao broke away and disappeared, and everyone knew nothing.
After half a ring, the heavy water shook a little, and the whole thing seemed to shake a few times.
Wei Bing suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "It’s not good to forget this crop."

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