But he can’t just wait here.

So he decided to deploy a relatively capable military forces to bring their own rations to attack quickly.
Try to make a difference before he starts again, so that he will not be much different.
After arriving in Tai ‘an, he can take food from Tai ‘an to supplement his food shortage.
Well, it’s a very good choice in any case.
Is there any objection to this decision, or is it the former Jia Gu A Su’s own doubts?
"At present, we don’t know much about the actual situation of the thief army. Even if the thief army can’t fight against us, we can’t do anything about it, or the number of thief troops is particularly large. Please think twice with a small number of elite methods to completely win the command."
This time, the speed of Jiagu decisively refused to disagree with Muhuo.
"The soldiers are so expensive that I don’t know when to wait here. The commander of the army has sent a message asking us to March as soon as possible. Is there any other way for us to go?"
It is not unclear about the situation of the army, so he retired silently without saying anything.
This decision was quickly passed by Jia Gu A Su, who decided to appoint Yan Hong Sheng Tao, the Ministry, to lead the elite to attack Tai ‘an Prefecture and stay here to get rid of the river problem as soon as possible.
Yan Hong Sheng Tao is a generalized imperial clan brother.
Of course, this broad sense can almost correspond to Liu Bei’s Han clan status, which is far from the royal family today
It is also because of the distance that his family can survive unscathed in the bloodbath operation after Yan Hongliang ascended the throne.
Be lucky in misfortune.
He just wants to be a middle-ranking officer in the army and lead a team, but he always gets some special treatment because of his kinship.
Jia Gu A Su decided to give this good opportunity to Yan Hong Sheng Tao.
Yan hong Sheng Tao followed Jia gu a su for some time, and he was close to Jia gu a su, thinking of letting him mix some merits more or less, and how can he rise faster by clan status?
Then it is also good for yourself.
Yan Hong Sheng Tao didn’t expect Jia Gu A Su to give himself this good opportunity. He was very grateful to Jia Gu A Su for his generosity and immediately went to lead the troops to prepare for the war.
Jia Gu A Su collected 1,500 soldiers for Yan Hong Sheng Tao, all of whom are female real soldiers, 1,000 skilled cavalry and 500 infantry who can ride horses.
Infantry on horseback is specially prepared for 100 elite who can serve as heavy cavalry.
The heavy cavalry is equipped with heavy armor, so it can’t travel long distances. It can be worn in battle, and you need help to get dressed faster. With this preparation, Ah Su is caught in the valley.
In case of a little tricky, the enemy can dispatch armored riders to clean them up.
Jia Gu A Su also gave Yan Hong Sheng Tao the greatest support because Renyi did his best to prepare for it.
"Don’t let me down"
Jia Gu A Su looked forward to looking at Yan Hong Sheng Tao.
Yan hong Sheng Tao resolutely nodded his head.
"I will chop off 3,000 rebel heads and build a temple for you!"
Then he was grand and ambitious and led the army to attack.
Of course, this news was soon learned by Su Yonglin.
Su Yonglin first of all, of course, he was very happy because the 8 Jin Army actually split up. He didn’t dare to really imagine that the 8 Jin Army split up and then design this war according to the 8 Jin Army split up mode.
He is ready and 8 jin j main confrontation psychological preparation.
As a result, the 8 Jin Army split up and divided 1,500 cavalry to attack the main force alone and stopped the river blocking area, probably to wait for the river to clear before moving on.
Su Yonglin was a little puzzled when he was happy.
One thousand five hundred people dare to break away from the main force and attack alone. How much do these guys despise the Guangfu Army?
But the eyes can’t care so much. If you don’t eat the fat, you will regret it for a generation.
"Order to prepare for luring the enemy, and the army is also ready to attack. Once you hear the order, you must immediately attack those who are wrong!"
Su Yonglin’s soldiers immediately sent the news to the frontline troops.
The front-line commanders of Victory Army also prepared for the attack.
It is not without reason that Yan Hong Sheng Tao can get the appreciation of Jia Gu A Su. He did not send a sentry to look for the enemy first, but sent a team of more than 20 cavalry as pioneers to explore the situation far away.
Roots are not practical.
Of course not Yan Hong. Sheng Tao seems not.
Yan hong Sheng Tao thinks there is still a lot.
After marching for half a day, his pioneers found a group of troops with the flag of Guangfu Army heading east about ten miles ahead.
I don’t know what it is to transport in the big boxes, small boxes and piles of mules and horses in this fleet of the Guangfu Army, but it should be a good thing according to the preliminary judgment.
Yan hong Sheng Tao touched ba and thought for a while that there was something wrong.
Why is there an army of trench here?
"How many people are accompanying the guards?"
He asked so
"There are cavalry, and the number of foot soldiers is not much."
Have an accompanying escort
That seems to be no problem.
Yan Hong Sheng Tao feels that the army with such low quality of the Guangfu Army will definitely not play any fancy.
In this team …
What is it?
The Guangfu army attacked and killed corrupt officials everywhere. It should have scraped a lot of oil and water out of them. What was in those boxes should be the oil and water of those corrupt officials who were killed.
"God helps me."
Yan Hong Sheng Tao dispelled doubts, and the light in his eyes immediately accelerated with his troops. Then three hundred cavalry suddenly attacked the trench convoy of the Guangfu Army.
Out of Yan Hong Shengtao’s expectation, this recovery army is no different from what it was before. Seeing Yan Hong Sheng Tao’s troops coming and killing him was a great shock.
The cavalry immediately rode away, and the infantry immediately ran away, without the car, the horse and the box, it would be fatal.
It was also all hands that knocked the trunk upside down. Copper coins, gold and silver, silk cloth, pearls and jade treasures were immediately scattered all over the floor.
Sunlight reflects dazzling brilliance.
These more than 200 boxes are all gold and silver treasures? !
Attack three hundred cavalry eyes are straight, they instantly forget their own battlefield, regardless of the pursuit of direct horse is a looting.
Boy, gold, silver and jewelry!
Don’t say their eyes are straight, and Sheng Tao’s eyes are straight, and the cavalry behind him are straight.
I don’t know who was the first to rush over. Anyway, with the first lead, the cavalry couldn’t restrain their desires.
At the head of the queue, I rushed to the crowd with the advantage of distance, and the horse began to grab very fiercely.

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导语:在繁忙的生活节奏中,我们常常感到身心俱疲。为了给身心一个短暂的休息,越来越多的人选择去SPA中心享受全身SPA。今天,就让我们一起来领略南京SPA的独特魅力,开启一段身心的极致放松之旅。 一、南京SPA环境 南京作为一座历史文化名城,拥有众多的SPA中心。这些SPA中心环境优雅,氛围静谧,让人一进门就能感受到放松的气息。南京SPA中心的设计风格多样,有中式古典、日式简约、欧式奢华等,满足不同消费者的需求。 二、南京SPA项目 南京SPA中心提供多种全身SPA项目,以下是一些热门项目: 1. 全身按摩:通过专业的按摩手法,舒缓肌肉紧张,缓解疲劳,提高睡眠质量。 2. 热石理疗:利用热石的温暖和按摩的力量,放松身体,促进血液循环。 3. 身体磨砂:去除皮肤老化角质,促进新陈代谢,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。 4. 身体包裹:利用特殊的包裹材料,调节身体温度,促进身体毒素排出。 5. 面部护理:针对面部肌肤进行深层清洁、保湿、抗衰老等护理,使肌肤焕发光彩。 三、南京SPA服务 南京SPA中心注重个性化服务,根据客户的需求和身体状况,量身定制SPA方案。以下是一些服务特点: 1. 专业技师:南京SPA中心拥有众多专业技师,他们具备丰富的经验和精湛的技艺,为您提供一对一的贴心服务。 2. 贴心关怀:从您踏入SPA中心的那一刻起,工作人员就会为您提供周到的服务,让您感受到宾至如归的温馨。 3. 环保理念:南京SPA中心注重环保,采用天然植物精油和有机产品,确保您的健康安全。 四、南京SPA体验 在南京SPA中心,您将享受到以下体验: 1. 静谧的环境:SPA中心的环境优美,让您在放松身心的同时,也能感受到生活的美好。 2. 舒适的设施:舒适的按摩床、柔软的床单、温馨的灯光,让您在享受服务的过程中,倍感舒适。 3.


随着新冠疫情的持续影响,人们对于个人健康的关注度日益提高。在众多健康护理服务中,南京核酸SPA作为一种新型的健康守护方式,正逐渐受到市民的青睐。本文将为您详细介绍南京核酸SPA的特色与优势,带您领略这一疫情下的健康守护新选择。 一、南京核酸SPA的起源 南京核酸SPA起源于我国疫情常态化防控时期,旨在为市民提供一种便捷、高效的核酸检测服务。它结合了SPA的舒适体验和核酸检测的严谨性,旨在让市民在享受放松身心的同时,确保自身和家人的健康安全。 二、南京核酸SPA的特色 1. 快速便捷 南京核酸SPA采用先进的核酸检测技术,采样后仅需数小时即可出结果。市民只需在预约时间内前往指定地点,即可享受便捷的核酸检测服务。 2. 舒适环境 南京核酸SPA将SPA的舒适环境与核酸检测相结合,为市民提供宽敞、舒适的采样空间。在轻松的氛围中,市民可以更加放松地完成采样,减轻心理压力。 3. 专业服务 南京核酸SPA拥有一支专业的核酸检测团队,为市民提供准确、可靠的检测服务。此外,采样过程中,医护人员会为市民提供详细的健康指导,帮助市民养成良好的生活习惯。 4. 广泛应用 南京核酸SPA不仅适用于个人检测,还适用于企事业单位、学校等集体场所的核酸检测需求。在疫情期间,为保障市民的生命安全和身体健康,南京核酸SPA发挥了重要作用。 三、南京核酸SPA的优势 1. 保障健康 通过南京核酸SPA,市民可以及时了解自己的健康状况,降低感染风险。在疫情常态化防控时期,这一服务为市民提供了有力的健康保障。 2. 提高生活质量 在忙碌的生活中,南京核酸SPA为市民提供了一次放松身心的机会。在享受舒适体验的同时,市民可以缓解压力,提高生活质量。 3. 促进经济发展 南京核酸SPA作为一种新兴的健康护理服务,为相关产业链带来了新的发展机遇。在疫情期间,这一服务有助于推动我国经济逐步恢复。 总之,南京核酸SPA作为一种疫情下的健康守护新选择,以其快速便捷、舒适环境、专业服务和广泛应用等优势,赢得了市民的青睐。在疫情防控常态化的背景下,南京核酸SPA将为更多市民提供优质的健康护理服务,助力我国疫情防控取得更大成效。


随着现代生活节奏的加快,家长们对宝宝的早期教育越来越重视。在众多早期教育项目中,婴儿游泳SPA因其独特的优势,逐渐成为家长们的新宠。位于南京的一家专业婴儿游泳SPA中心,以其专业的服务、舒适的环境和科学的方法,为宝宝的健康成长提供了全新的呵护方式。 一、婴儿游泳SPA的优势 1. 增强宝宝体质 婴儿游泳SPA通过模拟母体羊水环境,让宝宝在水中自由地呼吸、游泳,有助于增强宝宝的心肺功能,提高免疫力。此外,游泳还能促进宝宝骨骼、肌肉的发育,预防肥胖。 2. 促进大脑发育 婴儿游泳SPA有助于宝宝大脑的发育。在水中,宝宝需要不断地调整身体姿势,这种多感官刺激有助于提高宝宝的空间感和平衡感,促进大脑的发育。 3. 缓解宝宝不适 对于一些易患感冒、腹泻等疾病的宝宝,婴儿游泳SPA可以缓解宝宝的不适。水中环境可以减少宝宝对疾病的恐惧,使宝宝在轻松愉快的氛围中恢复健康。 4. 增进亲子关系 婴儿游泳SPA为家长提供了一个与宝宝亲密接触的机会。在水中,家长可以与宝宝共同度过美好的时光,增进亲子感情。 二、南京婴儿游泳SPA中心 南京一家专业婴儿游泳SPA中心,以其专业的服务、舒适的环境和科学的方法,为宝宝的健康成长提供了全方位的呵护。 1. 专业团队 该中心拥有一支专业的婴儿游泳教练团队,具备丰富的教学经验,为宝宝提供个性化的服务。 2. 舒适环境 中心采用全透明设计,让家长在等待时也能实时关注宝宝在泳池中的情况。泳池水温、水质严格把控,确保宝宝的安全。 3. 科学方法 中心采用国际先进的婴儿游泳教学方法,根据宝宝的年龄、体质等因素,制定个性化的游泳计划。 4. 多样化课程 中心提供多种婴儿游泳课程,如亲子游泳、婴儿抚触、水育早教等,满足不同家长的需求。 三、结语 南京婴儿游泳SPA中心以其独特的优势,为宝宝的健康成长提供了全新的呵护方式。在这里,宝宝可以在舒适的环境中,享受到专业的服务,开启快乐、健康的成长之旅。家长们不妨为宝宝选择这种新型的早期教育方式,让宝宝在快乐中茁壮成长。