南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 喝茶VX "Stop it. You’re pregnant now and you can’t drink. Are you going?" Gentle wants to change the subject.

"Stop it. You’re pregnant now and you can’t drink. Are you going?" Gentle wants to change the subject.

"Of course I’m fine. Don’t drink. Don’t drink. But it’s not like old classmates get together every day. We still have to suffocate in one environment. Let’s go together. Are you afraid that others will trouble you with me and Yun Xiang? Or your husband won’t let you go? "
Gentle …
Teng is always driving seriously, but listening to chenchen, he is probably already white.
Gentle later took a look at Teng Yun, and then people in the conversation said they wouldn’t tell you to hang up.
Chenchen was still talking at the window, but he was hung up before he finished speaking. Then he was about to turn around and was hugged from behind, scaring her to shout. Then when he looked back, he saw that it was his own man. Did you scare me to death?
Her husband is still wearing a military uniform, so how can he come back to accompany you so early?
Words haven’t say that finish mouth has reached her face to chew …
Chenchen unexpectedly nai later simply go back and kiss him enough.
"Who told you to come back so early?"
"Of course it’s you!"
"Yeah, I don’t want to part with you for a minute, but I can’t wait for a negative distance all day."
"Fuck you, you’re not serious and you’re not afraid of teaching bad children."
"Where is he white?"
It’s a chapter of integrity, but at this time it’s evil, making people a hooligan
When two people came back to the office, he followed the one behind him without asking her.
Tengyun looked back at her and smiled. What?
Low a bright star eyes just staring at her slightly weak appearance.
"chenchen said about the high school reunion, but I didn’t want to go." The last sentence was immediately explained.
He laughed that you could go.
Gentle a hysteresis stare at him.
Teng always looks at the woman in front of him in such a profound way that it makes people feel flustered.
"forget it if you don’t want to go."
Gentle …
I see. Ah, you are so good at making excuses for yourself.
Gentleness is not angry. Before leaving, do you want me to go or not?
"Does it matter if I hope it?"
"Of course you are my husband, and I should respect your opinion."
"Just because I’m your husband?"
Gentle and a little confused, when I looked up at him, I saw that he was slightly troubled, and the eyebrows twisted slightly, which made her a little confused. "We agreed to be honest with each other."
"Just because we have to be honest with each other?"
Gentle …
If he gets to the bottom of one thing, she really can’t help it
"Teng Yun …"
"The reunion is your own business. You have your own decision. Of course, I really don’t want you to go, but you should come sooner or later. If he wants to see you, he will find a way to see you. It’s like Yun Jian is everywhere."
He was a little sharp when he said this.
Gentle to see his eyes cool thin in the mind is also sad cold.
"How could he want to see me? And even if I want to see it, I just want to see if I’m better than I was, and when he dumped me, he told me that I didn’t deserve him. He wanted to find a door to be a man like his girlfriend. Is it necessary for me to see him again? "
Gentle eyes have been staring at him carefully, but I dare not miss them at all, for fear that he is a little unhappy.
He sighed. Go!
Section 122
Gentle one leng, he said that since sooner or later to meet.
Gentle …
But she decided not to go, even if she wanted to see it sooner or later, and she would never take the initiative to see it unless it was a coincidence.
"If you happen to meet one day, you can’t help it. If you can’t meet it, forget it." She suddenly raised her hand and gently covered Teng Yun’s chest
Is it appropriate for Teng Yun to look at her?
He tentatively ask that dark eagle’s eyes press her eyes.
"This is just right. I like it very much!" And she said that.
So how can a man stand a woman saying that to him and still be indifferent?
Directly tasikmalaya picked up and went to the lounge.
Later, I gently stroked his short black hair and looked at him gently. Have you always been so jealous?
"It’s not easy for me to raise a wife. Of course, I can’t let others take advantage," he said, pulling her clothes and giggling softly
"I have cultivated a secret. When will you cultivate me as your wife?"
She was lying in his arms talking to him, and their eyes were bright.

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