南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 约茶 "the amount? ? That’s not what I meant, okay? ?” Summer speechless atmosphere embarrassed.

"the amount? ? That’s not what I meant, okay? ?” Summer speechless atmosphere embarrassed.

Ruanbin asked again, "I haven’t told you yet. What are you doing here at night? Are you stupid?"
The fourth chapter is love at first sight
Ruanbin asked again, "I haven’t told you yet. What are you doing here at night? Are you stupid?"
Xia Shicheng said, "Isn’t this just the delay in picking you up? Our company has a contract with General Manager Ma to sign, and I am responsible for it. If I don’t sign it back, I will be removed."
Ruanbin turned slightly stubbornly staring at her.
Summer by his eyes look puzzling and a little afraid "nguyen total? ? How? "
Suddenly Ruan Bin smiled at a slanting corner of his mouth for a whole summer. In this chaotic bar alley, his smile had a feeling of independence.
"why? ? What’s the matter? "If it’s daytime, her hot and red face must have been found, but it’s late now.
Ruan Bin said, "Is it better to say that you are diligent or stupid to take the risk after winning a contract?"
“? ?” Xia was silent now, and it’s right to think about it now. If this contract is settled, then she won’t stay in this company, and maybe she won’t stay in this world. Those people are so dirty.
"Don’t worry, you won’t be removed," Ruan Bin assured. "I don’t want to hurt you to lose your job because of me."
Xia Zhan smiled. He is a very important customer of the company and must have a certain amount of talk. Since he guaranteed it, she should not lose her job, right?
Ruanbin looked at the front and woke up and said, "Just enter the society."
"Well, how do you know?"
"I can tell by your stupidity."
“? ?”
"Don’t be silly to be taken advantage of after listening to me. There are some things that girls can’t do, just can’t do. Don’t lose your principles, understand?"
Xia seems to understand, "You mean coming to the bar late, but isn’t that how many contracts are signed successfully?"
Ruan Bin glanced at her. Ah, the young man is still too simple. He said from experience that "it is not necessary to reach the signing place through dirty means or in that complicated place through serious merger."
Looking at her craning her neck and looking at him, he couldn’t help but stretch out his finger and hit her on the forehead. "A fool like you didn’t know he was sold."
In the summer, her heart beat faster. She wore his coat and walked side by side with him. She was also hit on the forehead by him. Except for her family, she had never been so close to the opposite sex.
On this day, she met her from the capital, and he met her twice a day, from complaining to gratitude, from dissatisfaction to heartbeat, which changed her life.
The alley didn’t take long to talk, but there was a busy road ahead. Ruan Bin waved and hit a car. She reported the address and got off.
In the car, he regained his indifference. Maybe that’s why he came here.
Summer didn’t dare to think much, so she sat silently, driving steadily, sitting and drinking, and she fell asleep unconsciously.
When he arrived at the destination, Ruan always turned his head and just thought about it, and he saw her falling asleep with her head tilted. He took a sip of his lips to see her sleeping so soundly, and he was a little unwilling to wake her up.
It’s too unguarded to sleep here. You don’t know if I take you to the hotel. It’s stupid.
The driver in front asked "sir"
"shh? ?” Ruanbin motioned to tell the truth that he hasn’t been in such a simple mood for a long time and just wants to send a girl home safely.
I remember that a few years ago, when Qiao Xinwei first entered the company, he was also so silly and was calculated by others, but he laughed it off.
Ruan always frowns. Why do you think of being heartless again?
I don’t know where Xin Wei is now. Maybe A Hao’s ending marriage has broken her heart. She was brave when she was betrayed by Ji Xiaohai, but now she has chosen to escape, which shows how much A Hao hurt her.
While he was meditating, Xia suddenly woke up, and she looked up, and MengMeng’s eyes met red-handed.
She blushed instantly.
"Finally woke up" RuanBin quipped.
Summer is so embarrassed. The first reaction is to wipe the corners of your mouth. Don’t drool. "Hehehehehuan, do I always sleep for a long time?"
"No, I just arrived."
"Ah, here we are." Summer spiritually straightened up and looked out the window, and it was already in the apartment building. "Ruan always thanked you for this dress today? ?”
"What floor do you live on?"
Ruanbin’s sudden question surprised her, but she answered "the sixth floor" cheerfully.
"You can put on your good clothes. I don’t want it back." Ruan Bin turned to the driver and said, "Master, you don’t have to hurry to get a ticket. Please take me to the hotel."
Still don’t say anything. Xia got out of the car and waved goodbye to him.

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标题:《南京铁心桥怡水源spa——身心的极致呵护之旅》 导语:在繁忙的都市生活中,我们常常感到身心疲惫。南京铁心桥怡水源spa,以其独特的温泉资源和专业的服务,成为都市人放松身心、享受生活的好去处。今天,就让我们一起走进这家独具特色的spa馆,体验一场身心的极致呵护之旅。 正文: 位于南京铁心桥的怡水源spa,占地面积广阔,环境优雅,是一家集温泉、SPA、餐饮、住宿为一体的综合性休闲场所。这里依山傍水,风景秀丽,是都市人远离喧嚣、放松身心的理想之地。 一、温泉养生,舒缓身心 怡水源spa拥有丰富的温泉资源,其水质清澈,富含多种对人体有益的矿物质。在这里,你可以选择露天温泉、室内温泉、水疗池等多种泡浴方式,让身心在温泉的滋养下得到彻底的放松。尤其是对关节疼痛、肌肉劳损等病症有一定的缓解作用。 二、专业SPA,享受尊贵 怡水源spa拥有一支专业的SPA服务团队,他们经过严格的培训,手法娴熟,能够为顾客提供个性化的SPA服务。从脸部护理到身体按摩,从足疗到香薰,每一项服务都旨在帮助顾客缓解疲劳,提升身心健康。 1. 脸部护理:采用天然植物精华,为顾客提供深层清洁、保湿、抗衰老等脸部护理服务,让肌肤焕发青春光彩。 2. 身体按摩:运用专业手法,针对不同部位的肌肉进行放松,缓解疲劳,提高免疫力。 3. 足疗:采用传统足疗手法,结合现代科技,为顾客提供舒缓、养生、保健的足疗服务。 4. 香薰:运用天然香薰精油,通过嗅觉、触觉等方式,帮助顾客放松身心,缓解压力。 三、美食美酒,尽享人生 在怡水源spa,你不仅可以享受到高品质的SPA服务,还可以品尝到美食美酒。这里设有特色餐厅,提供各类中式、西式美食,让您在享受spa的同时,也能品尝到美食的诱惑。此外,还有丰富的酒水选择,让您在轻松愉快的氛围中,品味人生。 结语: 南京铁心桥怡水源spa,以其独特的温泉资源和专业的服务,成为都市人放松身心、享受生活的好去处。在这里,你将体验到身心的极致呵护,让疲惫的身心得到充分的放松与恢复。不妨在这个周末,给自己一个美好的假期,来到怡水源spa,开启一段难忘的身心之旅。