Chapter 33 intrigue

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Zong Ming looked at Tian Zhonghui’s "slutty" and "swinging" expression, and he still had to deal with this lowly woman while he was cursing. It was counterproductive to pay attention to one thing.
In this way, after a few minutes, Zhong Zongming finally decided to let you, a bitch, taste some sweetness to further control her final sprint.
Just as Tanaka fell into a state of the most "slutty", Zong Ming rushed into her and just catered to Tanaka, who was so excited that she screamed.
Zong Ming is not having sex with Lena and them now. He is trying to recruit a "slutty" woman in Dongyang Empire. He has no tender feelings. Love is a bit wild and tyrannical. While controlling his emotions, he keeps sending Tian Zhonghui high tide again and again. After the eleventh high tide of Tian Zhonghui, Zong Ming used the method of nourishing yin and yang to absorb more than half of Tian Zhonghui’s body yin yuan to himself, which is a little compensation for himself.
At this time, Tian Zhonghui almost fell into my infatuation, a kind of excessive excitement, a kind of excessive intoxication, and a kind of extreme exhaustion of body and mind.
Just when Tanaka Hui woke up from her stupor, she remembered the last step of monty’s desire, "magic deterrence"
Tian Zhonghui’s beautiful eyes full of "color" just opened her eyes, and she saw those eyes that were originally deeper than the stars in a mysterious black "color" light curtain, which were "shooting" with a rare green light.
A kind of fear from the bottom of my heart arises spontaneously and shakes weakly.
"You are my sex slave now. You can belong to me alone from now on. Without my permission, you can’t do this sex thing with other men again. Otherwise, I will make you completely addicted to the sea of desire. You will become the most slutty, shameful and lowly woman in the world. Everything you have will belong to me alone because I am your master and you are my slave. You must be a sex slave when I need you.
Zong Ming said that he would take out his doppelganger from Tian Zhonghui’s body and then stand in front of Tian Zhonghui with a form of deterrence.
Tian Zhonghui got up from the ground trembling, then knelt down in front of Zongming and kissed Zongming’s toes respectfully and said, "Hui is the master’s sex slave from now on, and the master’s life will be subordinate to Hui in the future. Everything belongs to the master from now on."
Zong Mingshen scanned Tian Zhonghui’s brain and saw that she was completely controlled by herself, then picked her up from the ground and walked to the big bed.
If you want to really accept a woman, you must of course give her a warmth after deterrence, just like you slap her in the face first and then gently touch her-she won’t remember that you hit her, but will remember that you caressed her gently.
After Tian Zhihui experienced a storm first, Zong Ming let her enjoy a drizzle again. Wen tidied her up and thanked Zong Ming, and regarded Zong Ming as a great god more than a celestial god, the only great god in her heart now.
Tian Zhonghui is like a kitten now. She loves Zong Ming and is afraid of Zong Ming. Just now, the warmth has made her experience a different kind, and she has never felt the taste of spiritual communication. It has made her feel a normal woman and a real desire for sex. What a wonderful feeling it is. This owner is really a omnipotent god. It is really the luckiest thing for her Tian Zhonghui to meet him. It turns out that she can also be with men. This kind of warmth means and way has never been thought of before. We dongyang imperial men and women always know a single rude and tyrannical way to mate like beasts? Is this because Dongyang Imperial people are qualitatively different from normal human beings? Is there a potential animal "sex" cause in our Dongyang imperial gene? God, what? I’ll be a Dongyang imperial woman. I don’t want to be a Dongyang imperial who will have brutal intercourse. Never! Tanaka Huizhong secretly shouted in my heart.
"Hui now know that even when I am a" sex "slave is also very happy? There are many words in the wrong novel network. "Zong Ming is enjoying Tian Zhonghui with his eyes closed. He is doing a body massage.
Tian Zhonghui was favored or surprised to say, "It is the happiest and fastest pleasure in Hui’s life to be favored by your master, and I hope to be favored by your master often in the future."
"I will let you know that being a woman is also a very happy thing if you do things well for me in the future."
"If the master’s business is wise, the master needs wisdom to do it, just tell him."
"I hope to have the opportunity to develop in Dongyang Empire, and I need you to help me arrange it."
"Well, it’s too easy for Hui to do, and Hui will certainly do it properly to satisfy his master."
"It sounds as if your identity is not as simple as that of a foreign investor investing in Tianlong Federation. Do you have other identities?" Zong Ming deliberately pretended not to know.
"Hui dare not hide something from her master. Hui’s real identity is the special intelligence officer of Dongyang Empire in Tianlong Federation. The main door is responsible for receiving all the intelligence and information of Tianlong Federation. There are three people in my group, one of whom is my husband. They are all Hui departments."
"So you’re still an agent. I don’t care about these so-called state affairs. You’ve done something I can’t control before, but in the future, you must let me know that since you’re an agent, you should say it’s still a little bit in Dongyang Imperial Company. I’ll leave it to you to do it for three days, okay? Wrong novel network many words "
"No problem, master. Can you take Hui with you when you go to Dongyang Empire?"
"Of course, I’m a stranger in Dongyang Empire. Who will help me if you don’t go? But can your current status make you leave Tianlong Federation and return home easily?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
"Five days later, it is the perfect day of Huinian, and I will return to China to receive awards and awards, and I may also hold important positions in the intelligence department, which will certainly help and facilitate my master to a great extent."
"That’s a godsend. I’m right, Hui. Didn’t you say you have a nominal man? I don’t want you to be separated from them in the future. You and I will not be affected by other factors in the future. I want people to kill him. Do you have any opinion? Wrong novel network many words "
"Xiao Ye is a man-less master. You can do what you want. After you let people get rid of Xiao Ye, I can write in the report that Xiao Ye was killed by Tianlong federal agents when he was out. Anyway, master Xiao Ye’s ability to get rid of it will definitely be undetected. It is reasonable for me to report to the surface without flaws."
"When I leave, you give me the information about the Xiao Ye Dongyang Empire, so you won’t" fuck "your heart. Help me arrange the trip to Dongyang Empire wholeheartedly. When this thing is done, I will let you enjoy the real" sex "love again."
"Then Hui thanked the master first. I wonder if the master can let Hui do it again now. Hui means to let Hui wait on the master."
"Little" SAO "goods, are you making waves again? Do you Dongyang imperial women have such a strong desire for sex? It’s really hard for ordinary men to get rid of you."
"Master Hui doesn’t want to be so" slutty "and" slutty ".It’s because the master is too" sexy "that Hui can’t help but want it again."
"Small wave hoof you move, let me see how much you Dongyang imperial women are" Sao "and how cheap"
Another round of erotic scenes initiated by Tanaka Hui.
Zong Ming can be said to be accomplished now. Not only did he successfully sign Tian Zhonghui’s wish, but he also solved the disappearance of Xiao Ye Zhengyuan without trace. Therefore, he was in a good mood and was cheap for Tian Zhonghui once, which made this "Sao" and base Dongyang imperial woman feel great.
Tanaka Hui was originally a senior agent. She practiced ninja better than ordinary senior ninjas. She was never around to protect her, but no matter how powerful she was, she couldn’t escape from Zongming’s palm. What satisfied Zongming most was that she didn’t arouse Tanaka Hui’s suspicion. She completely accepted herself from both mental and physical aspects, which laid the most solid foundation for Dongyang Imperial Plan.
While Zongming was dealing with Tian Zhonghui, the Wolf Group Wolf No.1 to Wolf No.6, six former East Turkistan six King Kong, led by Lena, successfully solved the other four senior ninja killers, and killed the black hand behind this plot against the Black Sun Group. With Xiao Ye Zhengyuan’s mouth, it would certainly not be difficult to find the four ninja killers, while Wolf No.1, it is relatively easy for them to deal with these Dongyang imperial ninjas. After all, they are also free and unfettered disciples, and they have never worked as killers in East Turkistan for years, gaining super powers and combining modern killing methods and weapons with those Dongyang imperial people.
Zong Ming, the new team of Xiaoyao Sect, didn’t pay much attention to it. He completely changed these people who had gone through the door. Instead of letting them inherit the tradition of Xiaoyao Sect, they trained their department into modern special warfare fighters. It’s not easy for them to train their physique and ability. They can guide the modern weapons with their minds. It’s almost impossible to say that all of them are dead shooters. The lock position of the air machine is more accurate than that of the infrared sight.

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