"World War?" Chenchen asked in a gentle ear.

Gentle want to laugh didn’t laugh is sitting there.
When I was born, I was scared to say that my voice was very small, as if I was afraid to disturb this war that I don’t know what happened.
On that day, Yun Jian called tenderness through Yun Xiang’s mobile phone, and Teng Yun had some ideas in his heart. His wife also said that Yun Jian was not bad …
Well, it’s right to keep an eye on it
Don’t wait for someone else to take it away if you don’t watch it yourself?
Isn’t that an idiot?
"Let’s eat." Later, Gentle still picked up chopsticks first. It was really hungry.
"I remember you liked this oily wheat dish very much before. Do you still like it now?" Allow health a listen to immediately stand up with chopsticks to gentle food.
Looking at the vegetables in your bowl gently, you can’t help laughing, but it’s uglier than crying.
Allow Xiang and chenchen to see the Tathagata frown and chill. The two women are too scared to take a breath.
Yun Jian is a thorough Tathagata.
Gentle sitting beside Tathagata naturally knows that Tathagata will be unhappy without looking at it, so he carefully picks up the oily wheat vegetables and puts them in the next chenchen bowl. You are pregnant recently. Eat more vegetables. That husband, I want to eat that mushroom. Can you help me?
How clever a woman is …
Is accidentally offended allow archduke.
"Of course!" Tathagata immediately took chopsticks to help his wife with food, and his eyebrows were full of pride.
Section 12
Yun Jian coldly looks at sneer at a gentleness. You must be so afraid of him, but it’s just adding a dish. You look pale with fear.
Gentle …
Now she’s really pale. How can she not be afraid?
She can’t afford to offend either of the two men, but she knows in her heart that if she wants to go with her for a generation, she must leave enough face for that person.
"Are you nervous?" Teng always put chopsticks in an orderly way and turned to look at his little wife. He also found that her face really didn’t look good.
"ah? I’m not. I’m just a little … "
"Did the child kick you?" Tathagata suddenly came to this sentence.
Gentle froze next to two women also froze.
Yun Jian’s chopsticks were almost cut off by him.
"Yes, the baby is kicking me."
Tathagata’s words are really amazing. They’re endless.
"Let me see if one is making trouble or all three are making trouble." Mr. Teng said, putting his hand on the tender abdomen.
Gentle face brush is red.
Chenchen and Yun Xiang almost dislocated. Tathagata, this is …
Gentleness has scared even breathing. I can’t help but look at the way her husband looks at her. She feels that she may be chopped to pieces at any time.
Fortunately, there are a few worms in the stomach to protect themselves.
It suddenly occurred to me that when Fahai was going to accept the White Empress, there was also a height to protect himself …
"Go first!" Yun Jian almost said this, but he finally finished his meal patiently. After all, if he got up and left him first, he would be giving up.
Men will not give up easily if they compete.
Later, the three women winked at each other and made an appointment to wash their hands together. The two men didn’t care what they were going to do because they couldn’t be distracted by the men’s contest.
As soon as three women wash their hands, they check whether there is anyone inside, and then lock the door. What should chenchen do if he shouts nervously? Will it fight?
"If you really fight, Tathagata may not be your opponent. You should be mentally prepared." Yun Xiang woke up immediately.
"What psychological preparation?" Gentle and puzzled
"Your husband is psychologically prepared for being destroyed!" Two women have different opinions.

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