南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 夜网,桑拿会所 "JiXingHe come to repair your mecha or I let the car engineers to help you? Don’t worry, they won’t shoot you. Your life represents one less grand duke. They don’t deserve it. "

"JiXingHe come to repair your mecha or I let the car engineers to help you? Don’t worry, they won’t shoot you. Your life represents one less grand duke. They don’t deserve it. "

"Don’t come because you are very heart you those soldiers? You see them fighting? Do you think they were killed by our soldiers? "
"They all left you. Why bother them? If I were you, I would kill them all after the first world war and talk about what kind of credit they can get in this battle today. "
"Abandoning the commander in chief is different from collaborating with the enemy and treason against the Federation. Should it be a felony?"
"But I don’t think you have a chance to kill them."
"I have far more mecha in this mountain than you, and your Federation has not enough strength to support you with more mecha, so your soldiers will be wiped out even if they help you win the battle today."
"Oh, yes."
Adakang tone suddenly happy.
"I just told the two dukes that you can’t send a message. They are not coming back through the transition door and are watching you from a distance."
"When they determine that you are no longer capable of participating in the war, they will kill all your soldiers."
"You can’t attack this mountain with them, and I will spare no effort to send enough mecha to directly attack your base. When I find the exact location of your base …"
"Ji Xinghe, guess how much firepower I will invest?"
"Your Federation likes the calculation method best. Do you think I have enough firepower in the past 100 billion?"
"If it’s not enough, it will cost 500.1 trillion."
"Don’t believe it? I have the power, I can mobilize resources far beyond your imagination, far beyond your imagination, even your marshal Andy can’t compare with me in this respect … "
What’s your grade?
Always called Tu Yuan.
Tu Yuan listened to Adakang’s expression. If it weren’t for Ji Xinghe, there would be no protective armor near the imperial engineer car. He would definitely destroy the engineer car immediately.
Ok, what he gave Ji Xinghe is finally in place.
Knock …
A muffled sound interrupted Adakang’s words.
It can’t really hear the sound of throwing the cabin to the ground, but it can clearly see the high throwing cabin.
It can also be seen that the bulkhead extending automatically is a new mecha.
Its surface is not painted with Venus, even if it is not painted to prevent radar detection and camouflage special painting.
The luster of the original metal makes it look cold and abnormal.
Silent state, the moon and the moon finally moved. It came to the back of this new mountain-cutting mecha and turned back to it.
Cut mountain mecha cockpit door automatically play one person inside.
Ji Xinghe jumped in directly from the cockpit of Xingyue and connected the induction helmet.
The oxygen that is about to turn red should be equipped with a light, which must be kept to represent an green color.
When the door closed, the mecha walked towards the imperial engineer car.
Shaped like a skeleton, the moon and the moon walked into the first cabin and groped for it.
"Can you still fight?"
"You can still fight?"
Adakang’s tone suddenly changed to shock. It really couldn’t think of what Bai Ji Xinghe could do.
This is not a mecha problem, this is a physical problem.
Even if Ji Xinghe has mastered the gas power, it is impossible to have the combat capability of driving the mecha at this time.
This is unreasonable.
But this ….. Is it the reason why its emperor is willing to wreck thousands of mecha and six space battleship huge resources to capture Ji Xinghe alive?
For those nobles who sacrificed … Ji Xinghe was right. Adakang didn’t care that they wanted them to die more.

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