南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 桑拿会所 Ji Xinghe hesitated slightly, and when everyone recognized him thinking about what name to take, he suddenly asked Chen Xun to one side.

Ji Xinghe hesitated slightly, and when everyone recognized him thinking about what name to take, he suddenly asked Chen Xun to one side.

"Did you find the Duke?"
Chen Xun shook his head "not yet"
Just changed the mecha engine Qin Tong leaned in and asked curiously, "What if the old horse doesn’t come out all the time?" You can’t always wait for it here. "
In a word, Qin Tong is ready to tell Lao Ji to go to No.5 base and tell Ji Rongxinyue to pull him out of the communication blacklist.
But Ji Xinghe blocked everything he had to say in one sentence.
"I’ll look for it if it doesn’t come."
Chapter 26 Xinghe Yong
"The mountain is not just me, I will come to the mountain."
Qin Tong muttered this sentence when he looked at Ji Xinghe wearing armor.
Half a day ago, I discussed the fighting capacity of Ji Xinghe with Harris. His mood is really complicated at this time.
There are worries, expectations, envy, fear, reverence and nai …
All kinds of emotions are really difficult to explain in three or five sentences.
"Is there anything wrong with Major Qin Tong?"
Chen Xun also watched Ji Xinghe wear armor. Now he has nothing to do. After wearing armor, Ji Xinghe needs a real machine test. The base department is familiar with this new mecha.
Qin Tong shook his head slightly. His mecha engine has been replaced. He should leave the base immediately to fight in the dust storm. He doesn’t know anything but doesn’t want to go.
Chen Xun looked thoughtfully at Qin Tong’s eyes suddenly strange and whispered, "I really want you to be willing to teach you."
Qin Tong leng. He didn’t seem to expect Chen Xun to guess his mind, but it wasn’t surprising to think that Chen Xun had been a staff officer for a long time to manage all kinds of things and people in the No.6 base department.
"Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun, do you know what they said to Ji Xinghe when I first met him?"
Chen Xun knows all about Ji Xinghe’s intelligence, but some things are not clear.
"Do you think it was the time when you executed the orbital descent and broke an earl mecha?"
"We still have time to talk" Chen Xun meant something, but Qin Tong didn’t hear it.
Qin Tong made a phone call.
"At that time, Major Landers wanted to talk to Ji Xinghe about the strength of the imperial noble mecha, but Major Jackson robbed her. Well, Jackson was a major like me at that time. He is now a school and I am still a major."
After a pause of two seconds, he continued
"Jackson said that our super-class mecha two-to-one situation can win the earl-level imperial mecha and the marquis-level and duke-level imperial mecha are equivalent to our ace mecha."
"As a result, Landers died in the first world war. If it wasn’t for Ji Xinghe, the earl of the empire would have been able to escape. Afterwards, I watched the video of Ji Xinghe’s combat record. He drove a mecha with much worse performance than ours and hit the earl of the empire with a spark."
"Many people say that it was caused by the pressure of Major Jackson’s support. I thought so before, but I talked to Harris just now, and then I figured out a question. It really doesn’t matter whether there was Major Jackson’s support at that time. Even if there was Ji Xinghe and the imperial count, it must be Ji Xinghe."
Chen Xun listened quietly. He knew that Qin Tong was not telling him stories now, but trying to tell himself.
Qin Tong took a deep breath.
! ! ! ! ! w! w! w! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
"Ji Xinghe’s strength was limited by the performance of the mecha. His strength is just like mine. If I have an exclusive mecha, I can also guarantee to break the earl-level imperial mecha. But in the face of the marquis-level and duke-level imperial mechs, I can’t guarantee that I can’t beat the duke-level mecha even if I have an exclusive mecha."
Qin Tong looked at Chen Xun and asked seriously, "But … what Jackson can play? Li Han can play? Before, they were all super-class like me. "
Chen Xun is not a mecha, so he can’t answer this question, but he looked at Qin Tong’s expectant expression and answered it seriously.
"Because they all learned from Lao Ji."
The tone is serious, but the answer is not serious. It’s a bit like a joke.
So Qin Tong retorted, "But my combat experience is much richer than Ji Xinghe’s. I have received the most professional mecha training and have the best instructors in the world. My physical fitness is better than Ji Xinghe’s, and my physical fitness is much higher than him. I am younger than him, and my reaction speed is faster than him. What can he teach Jackson, Han Neng … teach me?"
Chen Xun mused a little that he had ulterior motives. So far, some words have been poor.
Because Qin Tong said that there is a very good theory, from which point of view, he is not qualified to be a teacher of Qin Tong, and he is not qualified to be a teacher of Jackson. The so-called Li Han has learned a lot with Ji Xinghe, but Li Han will not refute the’ lies’ himself.
I wronged you, Comrade Han provided.
"Someone once told me a sentence that I think is very good. You can’t believe it if you listen to it."
Chen Xun thought of some words that Su He said to him the other day, which was the most touching. That sentence was spoken by Qin Tong in his calm tone.
"In every era, there are some amazing people who appear like the wind. They started at the end of Qingping and made achievements in the ordinary past, shaping the extraordinary and writing about the future."
Good Qin Tong is also from Longzhou. Harris or Jackson would definitely ask what Qing Ping and Cao Mang mean now.

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