南京桑拿夜网,南京龙凤夜生活,南京品茶网,南京梧桐论坛 桑拿会所 Organize ships to sail from several ports in Vietnam to Indonesia when necessary.

Organize ships to sail from several ports in Vietnam to Indonesia when necessary.

Try to avoid casualties as much as possible. The representative offices of the industrial investment company in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia will try their best to rent a third-country merchant ship nearby at the first time. Overseas Chinese in Indonesia need to prepare an emergency fund from Saigon Bank or Bank of East Asia in advance, so that they can organize rescue with this money.
Judging from these terms, the Vietnamese government has given a name without taking much responsibility. In the final analysis, overseas Chinese still save themselves with their own money.
However, before the situation is pressing,
If the mainland can’t go to Taiwan Province, it can’t be expected that Singapore is too small for so many people and too close to Indonesia and Malaysia. The political situation is unstable, and it is difficult for the clay idol to cross the river. If it is in trouble, it will be very good to have a place to take it in.
More importantly, this strange young man not only represents the Vietnamese government, but also represents more than one million Vietnamese Chinese. They have guns in their hands, have political status and are more secure in relying on them.
After reading the terms, several overseas Chinese leaders signed the words to help them leave a way out.
Zhang Muxiang said with emotion, "Mr. Li said that the number of overseas Chinese in Indonesia is several times that of overseas Chinese in Vietnam; On business, overseas Chinese in Indonesia do better than overseas Chinese in Vietnam. But it’s just that we don’t unite and know how dangerous the situation is. It’s not just us Indonesian drifters in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines who look at Southeast Asia the same way. You have really found a way out for yourself. "
Like overseas Chinese in Indonesia, there are five groups of clubs supported by the Dutch during colonial rule. Overseas Chinese in the Netherlands are not given a certain degree of autonomy by the French colonial authorities like the five groups of clubs on the bank. There is no influence here, let alone cohesion.
In other words, he can represent a small number of wealthy overseas Chinese.
Li Min not only needs money, but also needs someone to greet him for tea and sincerely say, "Mr. Zhang’s situation in Vietnam is different in Indonesia. Although Vietnamese people have certain views on overseas Chinese, they are more influenced by China’s unification and culture. Their customs and names are almost the same. Up to now, many people still write Chinese and speak the same language, but Indonesia is different. First of all, different religious beliefs are exclusive from the root."
Moreover, the situation in Vietnam is not as good as expected. The country is divided, and the north and the south are threatened by the Vietnam Union. There are political opponents in the Ministry, and it is because of foreign troubles that we Vietnamese China people can strive for a little political benefit through hard work. "
If you don’t believe him, he won’t say these heartfelt words.
Zhang Muxiang pondered for a moment and asked bluntly, "If Vietnam doesn’t hold a general election and form a Coalition government in 2008, North Vietnam will definitely launch a war like North Korea. I wonder what Mr. Li intends to do?"
He is really trustworthy. Li Min told you frankly, "Mr. Zhang, I can tell you for sure that there will be no general election in 2008. Neither South Vietnam nor North Vietnam has really abided by the national war. Where can Vietnamese Chinese escape when they fight in South Vietnam?
Just as you said just now, we have embarked on our own road, and we will accumulate strength and unswervingly go forward to ensure the safety of millions of people. We cannot pin all our hopes on the government and the United States. In the final analysis, we can rely on ourselves. "
Participated in the investment promotion meeting of the representative office of the industrial investment company in Jakarta, and listened to the introduction of Vietnamese Chinese by the members of the Youth Association of China.
Zhang Muxiang didn’t know everything he had done. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "Is it not enough to unite people alone or is there too few of our own?"
Li Min stared at his eyes very seriously and said, "Mr. Zhang, from my heart, I don’t hope that such a tragedy will not happen in Indonesia, but no one can say for sure that this kind of thing is beyond our control. Once that happens, I will try my best to accept and resettle as many as possible, and the more people there are, the better."
Holding a group to keep warm is too appropriate.
The life environment of Southeast Asian Chinese is too bad. To live, we must think what others dare not think.
Zhang Muxiang didn’t recognize what kind of intrigue this was, but he felt an impulse and couldn’t help asking, "How many people can you accommodate Mr. Li?"
"Zhengfa and soon-to-be-developed industrial villages are prepared to accept the resettlement of compatriots, and the South Vietnamese government has some territorial disputes in Cambodia. Premier Wu Tingyan is very happy that Chinese people will go to Parrot Point and live in Kompong Som. It is no exaggeration to say that I can arrange it for 3 to 5 million."
"It is more difficult than overseas Chinese compatriots in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines."
In order to deal with the rebels, the Philippines is setting up a "Chinese new village", which has achieved good results. It is really difficult for Malay to follow their example.
Zhang Muxiang was pleased to think of these Li Min and said while the iron is hot, "Mr. Zhang, I was a member of the Vietnamese National Assembly and a member of the Refugee Committee and the Foreigners Management Committee in the government. I also worked as the chairman of the Vietnamese Red Cross for a few days. It is not convenient to talk and do things. Can you help me?"
Let the Chinese protect themselves. How to protect themselves? Of course, there must be territory to take care of.
Unlike overseas Chinese who live in other countries, most of them have become Vietnamese by naturalization.
No one can say that the government will maintain the status quo if it is good for the Chinese. The government is not good to the Chinese, and it can be self-governing by just finding an excuse.
He is so famous and influential in Vietnam. If the political situation in South Vietnam is unstable, Wu Tingyan may be elected as the prime minister if he is driven out of Taiwan.
Will the United States watch North Vietnam call?
Thinking of the planning of Vietnam’s industrial village investment company in southern Vietnam, thinking that Singapore has actually controlled the area, thinking that he is trying his best to immigrate to southern Vietnam and southern Cambodia, Zhang Muxiang suddenly realized that he had laid the foundation of "attacking in advance and defending in retreat" and realized that Vietnamese Chinese compatriots are now a population with everything.
Most of the drifters in Southeast Asia are Cantonese, Fujian and Hakka.
Of course, our own people should help themselves. Helping others means helping themselves. If they succeed in living, overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries will have a way out.
The more Zhang Muxiang thought about it, the more excited he became. He suddenly got up and said, "Mr. Li is so convinced that he will help out."
"Thank you, thank you for your support."
"That’s all I should do. Say thank you and be a stranger."
As soon as his voice fell, Sang Pingxiang knocked on the door and came in. He leaned over and said, "The results of the referendum by the chairman of the board of directors have come out. 999% support the ousting of Baoda, the abolition of constitutional monarchy and the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam. Prime Minister Wu Tingyan will leave the Republic from now on, and the vice president’s prime minister has not yet been appointed."
Li Min shook his head and said with a wry smile, "51% is enough. Why do you have to make it 999%?"
"Many western journalists believe that the referendum is unfair and unfair, and that some people are threatened during the referendum period."
"Is there anything else expected?"
"Mrs. Yun asked if you would go to Hong Kong, and she planned to go back to Saigon with you."
Madame ngo dinh’s "Xin Yan incident" and the peaceful Sichuan warlord’s disorderly speech during the coup were caught by reporters to ensure that there would be no chaos during the referendum period. Wu Tingyan’s second brother Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Th?c suggested persuading Dinh Nhu Ngo to send her to a monastery in Hong Kong for more than three months, which is equivalent to house arrest.
Now that the results of the referendum have come out, we will naturally stop worrying.
After being under house arrest for more than three months, I can imagine how much she thinks about Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Th?c. The industrial investment company is cleaning up the scum of the department and cleaning up those bribers, and some of them are unclear to Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Th?c.
Li Min didn’t want to move Professor Anderson back to su’s name to put pressure on him. Wu Tingyan would be very disgusted by that. She had long regarded madame ngo dinh as a shield and looked up and smiled. "Tell Mrs. Yun that I will take the latest flight to Hong Kong and ask her to pack up and get ready to go back to Saigon as soon as she arrives in Hong Kong."
Zhang Muxiang asked in surprise, "Are you leaving today?"

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在繁忙的都市生活中,人们往往忽略了身心的调养。而南京丽人spa,作为一家集养生、休闲、美容于一体的专业机构,成为了众多追求健康生活品质人士的养生圣地。在这里,一场身心愉悦的养生之旅正在悄然展开。 南京丽人spa位于南京市繁华地段,环境优雅,设施齐全。一走进这家养生馆,就会被其独特的氛围所吸引。宽敞明亮的休息区,舒适的沙发,轻柔的音乐,让人瞬间放松身心,抛却一天的疲惫。 作为一家专业的养生机构,南京丽人spa拥有丰富的养生项目,包括中式按摩、泰式按摩、日式按摩、足疗、拔罐、刮痧等。这些项目均由经验丰富的技师亲自操作,手法娴熟,能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳,改善血液循环,增强身体免疫力。 其中,中式按摩是南京丽人spa的招牌项目。技师们运用中医理论,结合现代按摩技巧,通过对人体穴位、经络的按摩,达到疏通经络、调节阴阳、调和气血的目的。在技师们的精心呵护下,顾客们仿佛置身于一个宁静的世界,享受着来自远古的养生智慧。 除了传统的按摩项目,南京丽人spa还推出了独具特色的养生套餐。这些套餐结合了美容、养生、休闲等多种元素,旨在为顾客提供全方位的身心调养。例如,养生SPA套餐包括全身按摩、面部护理、足疗、拔罐等,让顾客在享受舒适的同时,还能焕发肌肤光彩。 在南京丽人spa,美容护理也是一大亮点。这里拥有专业的美容师,他们运用国际先进的护肤理念和技术,为顾客提供一对一的定制化服务。无论是美白、保湿、抗衰老,还是祛痘、去角质,都能在这里得到满意的解决方案。 值得一提的是,南京丽人spa还非常注重顾客的隐私保护。在这里,每一位顾客都能享受到独立的服务空间,技师们严格遵守职业道德,确保顾客在舒适、安全的环境中享受养生之旅。 总之,南京丽人spa以其专业的服务、舒适的氛围、丰富的项目,成为了都市人群放松身心、养生保健的理想之地。在这里,一场身心愉悦的养生之旅正在等待着您的开启。不妨在忙碌的生活中,给自己一段美好的时光,让南京丽人spa成为您养生养心的好去处。